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Sonephet Home Page

Welcome to Sonephet webpage! Find out about Sonephet the man, the myth, the legend-maybe not the myth & legend, hey 1 out of 3 not too bad.

What's on this page

To navigate: (the links to the left) The Home Page is this page, so don't click on it while you're at this page. But if you're at the other link underneath it, clicking on it there will direct you back to this page. The About Page will lead you to my personal profile. Here you will find basic information on me and such. For potential employer(s), the RESUME Page will direct you to my resume. The Favorite Links page will lead you to my personal favorite web page(s) that I've compiled. The Photo Page will lead you to personal favorite pictures/images of mine. The Screensavers Page will lead you to my favorite screensavers that you can take and make it your own favorite! The Contact Page will direct you to a page listing various ways on how you can contact me. On the rest of the body of this page, there are three ways that you can reach me: First, you can use the Message Board below to leave me messages or to just discuss random subjects & topics! Second, you can use the Sign/View Guest Book to give me feedback on what you think of my webpage. Lastly, if you truely, desperately must, you can contact me via email on the Contact Me section.
Thanks for visiting. Hope you enjoy my webpage.

Message Board

This is a great place to keep in contact with everyone. Discuss any topics here that you want or just leave me messages.
Click on the image to go to my message board.

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Contact Me

To contact me via email or for any comments, criticism, and contributions click here.
